A major transformation is happening right now within the Critical Communications domain. The target is to satisfy the evolved demands of mission-critical communications with the help of modern telecommunication technology.
Compared to the legacy TETRA networks, commercial 4G and 5G technologies enable much richer communication, including real-time video, true broadcast services, as well as new applications to complement traditional communication methods. TETRA, as a low-frequency narrowband technology, provides excellent coverage and good in-building penetration characteristics. However, due to the narrowband nature of TETRA, the potential for enhanced communications solutions are limited.
Commercial Networks
The existing 4G networks are typically built for consumers and businesses. Therefore, the network investments are focused in areas where the technology serves most people. This means that large geographical areas, such as open water and uninhabited regions may be left without coverage.
Mission-critical operations require communications capability in these places as well. Furthermore, the commercial networks may not be able to provide the required level of resiliency in potential disaster situations.
During the transformation to new technologies, TETRA utilisation will continue. The combination of technologies ensures services continuity and rural coverage but also enables the evolution of Mission-Critical communications. The ultimate future goal may be to move fully to broadband-based communications. LTE 700 or other low-band LTE, and later low-band 5G, may be the technology solutions to provide the broadband coverage where it is needed.
Omnitele's approach in planning transformation to new communications technologies is to evaluate both the costs and benefits of different alternatives. Identifying the detailed requirements of the different critical-communications user groups is important to plan the most suitable solution for effective critical communications. One nationwide dedicated solution may not satisfy all the different requirements and additional local solutions may be required to complement a baseline critical communications network. On the other hand, the resilience requirement may require a dedicated fallback option in addition to network capacity leased from public operators.
We Support
Omnitele assists critical communications user organisations in making the Mobile Broadband transformation by providing:
- Strategy Consulting services aimed at evaluating alternative technology solutions and identifying the best fit to the organisation’s network performance and capacity requirements, while optimising the associated costs,
- Design Services aimed at assisting the organisation in MBB network planning and implementation according to set performance and cost targets,
- Monitoring services to audit the performance of the MBB network against set targets,
- Optimisation services aimed at improving observed substandard MBB network performance.
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